
Notice of Board Meeting as on 12th November, 2024.Click Here
Outcome of Board Meeting 12th November, 2024.Click Here
Newspaper publication FS 30th September, 2024Click Here
Resignation of Company Secretary as on 13th November, 2024.Click Here
Scrutinizers report and voting results for AGM 2024Click Here
 Compliance Certificate SDD Sept 2024Click Here
Compliance Certificate SDD June 2024Click Here
Newspaper Publication FS 30.06.2024Click Here
Notice of Board Meeting 09.08.2024Click Here
Outcome of Board Meeting 09.08.2024Click Here
Proceedings/Outcome of AGM 2024Click Here
Certificate under Regulation 40Click Here
Certificate under Regulation 74Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting 29th May, 2024Click Here
Non Applicablity of Annual Secretarial Compliance Report 31.03.2014Click Here
Compliance certificate SDD March 2024Click Here
SIL_Outcome of Board MeetingClick Here
Appointment of Independent DirectorClick Here
Outcome of Board Meeting 30.03.2024Click Here
Appointment of Company Secretary 02-03-2024Click Here
Shricon SDD December 2023Click Here
SIL Compliance Certificate Sept 2023Click Here
SDD compliance June 2023Click Here
Resignation of Company Secretary-dated 29-06-2023Click Here
Voting Results and Scrutinizer’ Report of AGM-held on-19-06-2023Click Here
Notice of AGM 19.06.2023 with Annual Report for year ended March 2023Click Here
Outcome of BM 20.05.2023Click Here
Intimation of BM 13.05.2023Click Here
Outcome of BM 10.02.2023Click Here
Intimation of BM 01.02.2023Click Here
Annexure-AClick Here
AGM Voting Results 24.11.2022Click Here
Outcome of AGM 24.11.2022Click Here
Appointmen of Statutory Auditor 26.09.2022Click Here
Notice of AGM 01.09.2022Click Here
Outcome eof BM 27.08.2022Click Here
Change of RTA 19.08.2022Click Here
Outcome of BM 12.08.2022Click Here
Intimation of BM 03.08.2022Click Here
Outcome of BM 27.05.2022Click Here
Intimation of BM 14.05.2022Click Here
Postal Ballot Voting Results 25.04.2022Click Here
Notice of PostalBallot 23.03.2022Click Here
Oucome of BM 16.03.2022Click Here
Intimation of BM 07.03.2022Click Here
Outcome of BM 08.02.2022Click Here
Intimation of BM 29.01.2022Click Here
E Voting ResultsClick Here
Postal Ballot Voting Results and Scrutinizer’s Report.Click Here
Outcome of the Board Meeting held on March 16, 2022Click Here
Outcome of BM 13.11.2021Click Here
Intimation of BM 04.11.2021Click Here
AGM Voting Results 2021Click Here
Outcome of AGM 26.09.2021Click Here
Appointment of Company SecretaryClick Here
Outcome of BM 12.08.2021Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting 05.08.2021Click Here
Outcome of BM 30.06.2021Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting 24.06.2021Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting 19.06.2021Click Here
Postal ballot Voting Results 04.05.2021Click Here
Postal Ballot NOtice 01.02.2021Click Here
Outcome of BM 10.02.2021Click Here
Resignation of Company SecretaryClick Here
Intimation of BM 02.02.2021Click Here
Outcome of the Board Meeting held on February 10, 2021Click Here
36. Resignation of CFO 26.12.2020Click Here
37. Appointment of CS 18.11.2020Click Here
Outcome of BM 10.11.2020Click Here
Intimation of BM 03.11.2020.Click Here
AGM Voting results 01.101.2020Click Here
Outcome of BM 28.08.2020Click Here
Intimation of BM 17.08.2020Click Here
Intimation of Bm 22.06.2020Click Here
Resignation of CS 21.05.2020Click Here
Outcome of BM 14.02.2020Click Here
Intimation of BM 31.01.2020Click Here
outcomre of BM 11.01.2020Click Here
Intimatiom of BM 04.01.2020Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on Tuesday, November 10, 2020Click Here
Disclosure of Voting results of AGM (Regulation 44(3) of SEB! (LODR) Regulations,2015)Click Here
Outcome of Board Meeting held on Tuesday, September 29, 2020Click Here
Outcome of Board Meeting held on Friday, August 28, 2020Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on Friday, August 28, 2020Click Here
Outcome of Board Meeting held on Friday, June 26, 2020Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on Friday, June 26, 2020Click Here
Outcome of Board Meeting held on Friday, February 14, 2020Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on Friday, February 14, 2020Click Here
Outcome of Board Meeting held on Thursday, November 14, 2019Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on Thursday, November 14, 2019Click Here
Outcome of Board Meeting held on Tuesday, August 13, 2019Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2019Click Here
Outcome of Board Meeting held on Saturday, May 25, 2019Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on Saturday, May 25, 2019Click Here
Outcome of Independent Directors Meeting held on March 29, 2019Click Here
Intimation of Independent Directors Meeting to be held on March 29, 2019Click Here
Outcome of Board Meeting held on February 13, 2019Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on February 13, 2019Click Here
Outcome of Board Meeting held on November 15, 2018Click Here
Board meeting held on November 15, 2018Click Here
Outcome of Annual General Meeting held on Friday, September 28, 2018Click Here
Detail of proceedings and voting result for AGMClick Here
Outcome of Board meeting held on August 14, 2018Click Here
Board meeting held on August 14, 2018Click Here
Outcome of Board meeting held on May 22, 2018Click Here
Outcome of Board meeting held on Feb. 13, 2018Click Here
Board Meeting Intimation
This is to inform you that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, February, 13th 2018
Click Here
Board Meeting Intimation
This is to inform you that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on Thursday, August, 31st 2017
Click Here
Outcome of Annual General MeetingClick Here
Outcome of e-voting resultsClick Here
Intimation of Board Meeting (30th Sep, 2017)Click Here
Intimation of Board Meeting under Regulation 2 9 read with Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015Click Here
Notice of Board MeetingClick Here